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7/4/22 - 4th Sun. after Pentecost

True faith in Christ begins with a recognition of our own guilt. Through contrition and repentance, the Lord leads humble hearts to receive His forgiveness for their sins. Pastor's sermon, "Trust in Christ's Forgiveness" is based on Luke 7:36-50. 

6/26/22 - 3rd Sun. after Pentecost

Facing death often reveals the weakness of our faith, but Christ is gracious to us in our weakness and gives us strength to face death, knowing the truth of God's Word: that death is powerless before God! Pastor's sermon, "We Know the Word of the Lord Is True" is based on 1 Kings 17:17-24.

6/19/22 - 2nd Sun. after Pentecost (Father's Day)

No matter how impossible the problem, faith humbly and confidently trusts that God can and will help. Pastor's sermon, "Great Faith Is Amazing" is based on Luke 7:1-10.

6/12/22 - Holy Trinity

Thanks to the Holy Spirit's work in our hearts through the Scriptures, we trust in the one true God--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--as the source of all our blessings! Pastor's sermon, "The LORD's Blessing Deserves an 'Amen'" is based on Numbers 6:22-27.

6/5/22 - The Day of Pentecost

We celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit: that He enables us to hear, to believe in, and to speak the saving truth of Jesus Christ. Pastor's sermon, "Thank God for the Coming of the Holy Spirit" is based on John 15:26, 27.

5/29/22 - Ascension

Sometimes we have a hard time being a witness to our Savior's glory, especially when we don't know what to say or how to react in the face of tragedy. By ascending to heaven, though, our Savior does not leave us on our own. As He opens our minds to understand the Scriptures by the Holy Spirit, he fills our hearts with joy that continually praises God, making us witnesses of His glory as Lord and Savior to this dying world. Pastor's sermon, "Be Witnesses to Jesus' Ascended Glory," is based on Luke 24:44-53.

5/22/22 - 6th Sun. of Easter

Our love for Christ shows itself in the way we obey His teachings and trust in His peace. Yet where do we find the peace of our risen Savior? Declared in the promises of His Word. And He makes some of the most glorious promises to us in Revelation 21: promises of peace and safety, and life forever in the light of God's presence! Pastor's sermon, "The Holy City Shines with God's Glory" is based on Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23.
