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9/4/22 - 13th Sun. after Pentecost

This week we hear the first of three warnings about the difficulties faithful Christians face, so that we will be prepared to meet them with the comfort and confidence of the cross. Today we are reminded theat the Word of God, and especially the gospel message of Jesus Christ, brings division between believers and unbelievers. Pastor's sermon, "The Cross of Christ Creates Division," is based on Luke 12:49-53. 

8/28/2022 - 12th Sun. after Pentecost

Followers of Christ trust God's promises. Christ draws us out of the distractions of this world with a remarkable, gracious promise: that God is pleased in His grace to give us His kingdom! By His grace that promise re-orders our lives so that we may serve Christ faithfully, treasuring His promises and awaiting His arrival at the last day. Pastor's sermon, "God's Kingdom Is Already Yours" is based on Luke 12:32-40. If you'd like to follow along with today's service, simply download the worship folder from our website at www.christthekinggb.org/sunday-bulletins. God bless your worship!

8/21/2022 - 11th Sun. after Pentecost

In a world where life is all about getting more and keeping what you have, Christ reminds us that our lives do not consist in the abundance of our possessions. Pastor's sermon, "Watch Out for the Green-Eyed Monster," is based on Luke 12:13-21. If you'd like to follow along, simply download the worship folder from our website at www.christthekinggb.org/sunday-bulletins. God bless your worship!

8/14/2022 - 10th Sun. after Pentecost

Followers of Christ pray boldly. Though we are unworthy, though it seems as though our prayers go unanswered at times, God's people pray boldly and persistently, trusting that the God who hears and answers their prayers is merciful and gracious. Pastor's sermon, "We Can Boldly Approach God in Prayer" is based on Genesis 18:20-32.

8/7/2022 - 9th Sun. after Pentecost

The best part of following Christ is listening to His Word, especially to the joyous promises of His saving love and forgiveness. Pastor's sermon, "The Word of Christ Is All We Need," is based on Luke 10:38-42. If you'd like to follow along, simply download the worship folder from our website at www.christthekinggb.org/sunday-bulletins

7/31/22 - 8th Sun. after Pentecost

Sometimes we get the impression that knowing God's will for our lives and doing it are impossible. It is impossible with men--but not with God. Pastor's sermon, "God's Word Is Closer Than You Think" is based on Deuteronomy 30:9-14.

7/24/22 - 7th Sun. after Pentecost

Followers of Christ take part in the work of His kingdom. Some, like the seventy-two Jesus sent out, preach the Word. Yet we are all called to bear one another's burdens and boast in the cross of Christ. Pastor's sermon, "Seize the Opportunity to Serve Christ" is based on Galatians 6:1-10,14-16. If you'd like to follow along with today's service, simply download the worship folder from our website at www.christthekinggb.org/sunday-bulletins. God bless your worship!
