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3/2/22 - Ash Wednesday

This Lenten season our attention turns to the hidden glory of the cross. It's fitting on Ash Wednesday, as we gather to repent of our sins, to remember that often the greatest opposition to Jesus and His cross comes from His own people--then and now. Jesus' trial before the chief priests, scribes and elders serves as a warning to us to cling to Christ and let nothing come between us and the truth of His Word. Tonight, we behold the glory of the cross "Hidden in the Savior's Rejection by His Own". Pastor's sermon is based on Matthew 26:57-68.

2/28/22 - Epiphany Last

As we are about to enter another Lenten season to observe Jesus' suffering and death once more, we see the Son of Man basking in His eternal glory and the Father's approval. While the events of Jesus' transfiguration give us a taste of heaven, He cannot remain there. He must face the cross as our Savior from sin and death. But as He does so, we can be certain that He is truly God. As we face our own crosses, we know that we can listen to Him, trusting that He leads us to eternal victory. Pastor's sermon, "Listen to Jesus, the Lord of Glory'" is based on Luke 9:28-36.

2/20/22 - 7th Sun. after Epiphany

We have great difficulty showing love to those who hurt us. Doing so often risks further pain and hurt. Yet we can reflect the Lord's love, forgiving those who hurt us, by seeing God's grace behind the hurt. Pastor's sermon, "Reflect the Lord's Love, Even When It Hurts" is based on Genesis 45:3-15.

2/13/22 - 6th Sun. after Epiphany

Those who trust in the world and in themselves will find nothing but ruin and destruction. yet those who believe in God and put their spiritual needs first will receive all that they seek, bearing fruit that lasts for eternity. Pastor's sermon, "Know the Real Meaning of 'Blessed'" is based on Psalm 1.

2/6/22 - 5th Sun. after Epiphany

Even though we are sinners who do not deserve to be in our Savior's presence, the Lord Jesus graciously calls us to work in His kingdom, catching fellow sinners with the net of the good news! His grace moves us to answer His call without reservation, out of love for God and for our fellow human beings. Pastor's sermon, "We Become Fishers of Men in Jesus" is based on Luke 5:1-11.

1/30/22 - Organ Dedication Service

We were joined by renowned organist and former WELS pastor Charles Bonow for a festival of Word and song! Each of our Scripture readings and hymns today emphasize the various aspects of Our Life in Christ. Join us in making "a joyful noise unto the Lord our God", as we "sing forth the honor of His name," and "make His praise glorious!"

1/23/22 - 3rd Sun. after Epiphany

As Jesus began to preach to the people of His hometown of Nazareth, He read from the book of the prophet Isaiah, and then proclaimed, "Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing." He reveals Himself as the fulfillment of the healing and freedom, restoration and righteousness promised by God long ago. Pastor's sermon, "Jesus Fulfills the Scriptures in Our Hearing," is based on Luke 4:14-21.
