While the rest of the world values the ambition to be served BY others, Jesus exemplifies the ambition of humble service TO others. Pastor's sermon, "The Son of Man Reveals True Greatness," is based on Mark 10:35-45.
While the rest of the world values the ambition to be served BY others, Jesus exemplifies the ambition of humble service TO others. Pastor's sermon, "The Son of Man Reveals True Greatness," is based on Mark 10:35-45.
Jesus turns the value of worldly wealth upside down. The blessing of worldly wealth becomes a trap for us when we treasure it more than the Giver and more than our salvation. Fixing our eyes on Jesus, though, we are reminded that God's impossible grace saves sinners who fail to treasure Him above all. Pastor's sermon, "Focus on Jesus," is based on Mark 10:17-27.
On this day we also dedicated our new church organ. Thanks be to God for the gifts of music for singing His praises.
The world teaches us that marriage is "just a piece of paper," and if the people in our families are not a blessing to us, we can just walk away from them and let them go. But Jesus teaches us something entirely different. Jesus is the One who joined man and woman in marriage, and joins us in families, and joins us to Himself in His grace. Pastor's sermon, "What God Has Joined Together, Let Man Not Separate," is based on Mark 10:2-16.
Instead of pridefully seeing ourselves as disciples of Jesus, the Savior teaches us that following Him is an opportunity to radically humble ourselves for the sake of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Pastor's sermon, "Jesus Turns Discipleship Upside Down," is based on Mark 9:38-50.
Our highest ambition is to follow Christ, imitating His love. The greatest must serve the least. And those who proclaim the Word of the Lord entrust themselves and their message into the Lord's hand. Pastor's sermon, "Things to Know About the Enemies of God's Word" is based on Jeremiah 11:18-20.
Faith is not just a matter of the head, but of the heart. Too often we silo our faith into just one tiny corner of our lives, instead of letting our faith in Christ rule over our entire lives. How can we believe in a Savior who selflessly loves and dies for all people equally, while we continue to show the self-promoting kind of favoritism that shuns those in need? Pastor's sermon, "God's Love Is a Love Without Prejudice," is based on James 2:1-5,8-10,14-18.
Given the misery and need that we encounter in this world, one might wonder whether God even cares about us. Yet through His Word, we receive ears to hear and eyes to see the love that God has lavished on us through His Son Jesus Christ. So, we strive to bring them to the Savior to open their eyes and ears. Pastor's sermon, "Bring Them to the Living Word of God" is based on Mark 7:31-37.