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6/13/21 - 3rd Sun. after Pentecost

Because of the shame of our sins and our fear of punishment, we often want to reject God's claim on our lives, which can be seen in the ways we try to hide our guilt and blame God and others for our sins. Yet the Lord brings us in from the cold through His Son Jesus Christ, inviting us with the promise of salvation and the forgiveness of our many sins. Pastor's sermon, "Where Are You?" is based on Genesis 3:8-15.

6/6/2021 - 2nd Sun. after Pentecost

"Keep the Day of Rest holy!" But why? For what purpose? The Third Commandment was given not to benefit God, but to benefit us as we use the day of rest to remember what God has done for us and for our salvation. Pastor's sermon, "Look to the Lord of the Sabbath", is based on Mark 2:23-28.


5/30/21 - Holy Trinity

5/16/21 - Ascension (obs.)

5/23/21 - Pentecost

5/9/21 - Mother's Day/Easter 6

The risen Christ is our Friend. It's not easy to think of Jesus as our friend, but in love He chose us and laid down His life for us so He could call us "friends". Pastor's sermon, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," is based on John 15:9-17.

5/2/21 - Fifth Sunday of Easter

The risen Christ is the vine through which we branches receive the joyous fruits of faith. Abiding in Him and He in us, we believe in Christ and love one another. Pastor's sermon, "Moved by Christ, We Believe and Love", is based on 1 John 3:18-24.
